Take the next step in your faith—sign up for baptism on March 23!

Who We are And Why. 

Where Faith Meets Family

Explore the foundational beliefs, mission, and history of New Hope Community Church in Clovis, CA

 Our Mission

To compellingly communicate to everyone whom God provides us the opportunity to serve,
the all-absolute sufficiency of Jesus Christ who meets our every need.

 Our Beliefs


We believe the 66 books of the Old and New Testament are the inspired Word of God; they are without error in their writings; and they are the authoritative, complete and final written revelation of God.


We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who are co-equal in their nature, attributes, and perfection.


We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His substitutionary and atoning death through His shed blood, in His resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, sharing His risen life now with believers and in His personal return in power and glory.


We believe salvation is a free gift of God’s grace and is received by any individual who through personal faith and belief in Jesus Christ, accepts Him as their personal Savior.


We believe the Holy Spirit convicts individuals of sin, causes spiritual birth, baptizes all believers into the Body of Christ, indwells, seals, sanctifies, guides, teaches, and fills the believer so that they are enabled to live a Godly life.


We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. The local church is a group of believers in a particular location who are committed to Christ and are willing to be committed to each other for the purpose of worship, instruction, fellowship and evangelism.


The death of Jesus Christ paid for all sin, completely satisfied the righteous wrath of God against all sin, and provided redemption and forgiveness for all who believe. After His death, Jesus Christ arose bodily from the dead, was seen by many during a period of forty (40) days, and then ascended into Heaven to appear before God as our Advocate and Intercessor from which place He will someday return to establish His Kingdom on earth

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Ashbrook Church was started in 1965 by Rev. Lonnie Rolen and was affiliated with the National Association of Free Will Baptists. Pastor Rolen led that congregation for 25 years. During that time they purchased property at 4141 N. Millbrook, built an educational building and a sanctuary. The church was founded with the specific intent to address the needs and concerns of young families with children.


The original NHCC was started by Pastor Bob Radtke in 1979. Pastor Radtke had been the Senior pastor of Bethany Mennonite Brethern Church in Fresno, but felt a strong call to start a non-denominational work in the Fresno/Clovis area that reached out and offered New Hope to families that had been broken and shattered by tragedy and turmoil.


On September 23, 1983 Pastor Radtke submitted his resignation and Rick Wood became the Senior Pastor at New Hope Church.


In 1990 Pastor Rolen retired and his son Tim McLain Rolen, was called to become Ashbrook’s second pastor in 25 years.
In May of 1992, two men, one from each of the above mentioned churches, met at a local school function and God set into motion His plan for accomplishing a unique mission in this growing area of Clovis.

October 18, 1992

After nearly 6 months of prayer, combined worship and fellowship experiences and many long Board Meetings, the decision to merge was put to a vote simultaneously at both churches. On October 17, 1992 at approximately 12:30 pm both congregations exceeded the 75% majority vote needed for approval of the merger. The following Sunday the two churches became one. New Hope Community Church was born.
What started out as an interesting opportunity has turned into an exciting adventure. The two churches that merged were Ashbrook Church of Fresno and New Hope Community Church of Clovis. Ashbrook was looking for a new location and New Hope was looking for a pastor. They ended up finding each other. God has a wonderful sense of humor. 



Our newest building "The Barn" completes construction. After a successful building campaign that allowed the completion of the building without taking on any debt, The Barn opened for events, Sunday morning overflow, and to expand our capabilities to serve our community. 



Celebrating 30 years of ministry, over 300 past and current New Hope members came together to break bread, to celebrate what God accomplished through New Hope, and to look ahead to what he may accomplish in the future. 


December 26, 2022

After serving as an associate pastor for seven years, Pastor Mark Addis was promoted to the position of Senior Pastor at New Hope Community Church, culminating a two-year transitional process. This change reflected the church's desire to ensure a smooth transition and continuity of leadership, while recognizing Pastor Tim Rolen's many years of faithful service to the congregation and Pastor Mark Addis' demonstrated commitment and leadership during his tenure as an associate pastor. Pastor Tim Rolen moved into a phased retirement and transitioned to a part-time role, further enabling Pastor Mark Addis to take on his new role and responsibilities as Senior Pastor.

Our vision is to compellingly communicate to everyone whom God provides us the opportunity to serve, the all-absolute sufficiency of Jesus Christ who meets our every need.

Where Faith Meets Family

New Hope Community Church is a thriving Christian Church located in Clovis, California, serving as a spiritual home for all those in search of faith and fellowship. As a smaller church, we enjoy our close-knit community, dynamic worship, and commitment to the teachings of Jesus Christ. From Bible studies to youth programs and community outreach, New Hope extends a warm welcome to anyone searching for a local Bible-based church.

Planning Center

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